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Over time, different reasons have been identified for the woes of our dear country and rightly so, they are responsible for the state of the nation. 

Sometimes, I wonder if we consider what the followers have contributed to the nation building process. Have we done enough? Are we ready to change the status quo? These and many more questions trouble the sane minds. While some believe that Nigeria has seen her best, others are of the opinion that it can only get better. 

However, No one can deny that the past was better than the present. This alone can cripple whatever hope anyone nurtures for this great nation. Nigerians in their true to type nature are always eager to point out what the problem is while they sit back and pray for a messiah that will be sacrificed for their collective good. This has always given the impetus to those that seek to milk the nation dry. 

Hypocrisy, a not much discussed topic while defining the problem of the nature, is number one on the list of the endo parasites eating deep into the heart of the nation. To some, it is just a way of life and to others, an evil than can be lived with. 

The successes recorded across the country by regional governments of the past are true signs that the Nigeria project can really work. Our Nation can really be the giant we wish it to be. But first, hypocrisy must be tackled. The pre independence struggles were won because the gladiators were sincere, first to themselves and then to the cause. 

History has it that our heroes past fought for the nation dearly without looking back or seeking personal gains. They achieved their aim of liberating the country and worked so well to keep it so. Assessing the situations, mapping out solutions and working tirelessly were their mark. Their sincerity and genuine concern for the nation outlived them. 

This has made it possible for the ‘progressives’ to cajole the public into trusting them with power. Our rulers, leaders as they try to portray themselves are fully aware of what is wrong with the nation and sometimes have the solution but will ignore for their selfish reasons. 

Who then say that power is our number one problem? Who still argues that corruption brought the nation to her knees? No, far from it. Hypocrisy did and will continue to pummel us and put us in disarray until we conquer it. 

Is it not funny that so many office holders that were unable to proffer solutions to the simplest of our problems while they were in office now have answers for the big problems? An aviation minister that almost ruined the ministry is now a ‘progressive’ that has answers to everything. 

Our once upon a time vice president that is synonymous with carpet crossing is now a preacher of loyalty to a cause? Who then is fooling who?

In a country where technocrats abound everywhere how then did virtually all sectors of economy collapsed? Is this not a sign that we are ‘against ourselves?’ The development of a nation will never be a one-way thing. We must be proactive and move away from our culture of siddon dey look. Why would anyone sit down in a corner and discuss politics when you have vowed not to be a partaker of mainstream politics? 

The government and the people will have to be actively involved. But for us, it is yet a different tale. The led have good eyes to spot what is wrong but lack the mental strength to work it out. 

Quick to condemn and mutually distrust the government and the gesture is adequately returned. This is evident in all spheres of a Nigerian’s life. In our various mosques, churches, places of work and schools, we continue to say one thing and do the opposite. 

The youths that are expected to salvage what is left for the future are even worse. We sit on social media platforms and call for the heads of our leaders. We abuse, insult and maim their character, if they have any. 

During this past week, I was dazed to see youth of this country sit on the fence when they should actually be marching on the streets in a bid to send a signal to the ruling class. Though the numbers didn’t deter those that will always make history happen, it is a thing of shame that hypocrisy is leading us astray. We can assassinate their characters all we want; it won’t make them sit up because we are not sincere to ourselves. 

Until we mutually trust one another, walk the talk and shed the toga of hypocrisy, greatness will always be a far cry. 

As we celebrate our 53rd Independence, don’t let us debate whether it is worth celebrating or not but come together to work out a long lasting solution and negotiate our rightful place in the comity of nations. 

Happy 53rd anniversary. God bless Nigeria, God bless Nigerians. It appeared first on on the 3rd of October 2013

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